Sunday, September 21, 2008

21st Century Learners

After watching A Vision of K-12 Students Today, I realized that our children process information differently and learn differently as well. I am extremely grateful that the school that I work for not only has two computers labs but many teachers include technology in their lessons. My school is located in a low socio-economic urban area so having those computers available to them is great. I fell that my students learn best through the use of technology. They enjoy webquests, printing pictures from the web, downloading music for their presentations, and so on. Their creativity, in a way, is limitless with the use of technology. Because we have a technology class built into our schedule, the kids and teachers can integrate lessons with computer class. We also have computer based math and reading activities for those who need the extra help...but the greatest thing of all, is that the computer teacher is hot! lol (he's my fiance!)

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