Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kids Count Too!

Hey guys, I just wanted to say that my middle school has been working all marking period on an Election Theme Unit. They have done projects, charts, mock elections, articles, collages, etc. Well you name it, they did it. We will have a display day of all their work coming up soon. If your interested, let me know. I'm so proud of them and what they have learned. Hopefully I will be able to display some pictures of my class and their projects soon. Take Care and Vote!!!!


Dr. Luongo said...

Happy Election Day!

It is so nice to see such an enthusiatic educator (you)! I am sure your excitement motivated your students to learn more about the election.

Thank you for all you do!

Mark Rindfuss said...

I was really surprised to see how many of my students cared about the recent election as much as I did. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come in the future for more active participation in local/state/national elections. It is great to see many elementary school teachers explaining the election process beyond the voting process.

Andrew GE 555 said...

It is great to see how interested your students were about the recent election. I think it is very important for schools to get involved with the election process and govt. Students from a young age should get familiarized with how the govt. works and its importance throughout society.

Herlan said...

It's great to see your students so excited regarding the election process. My students were just as excited regarding recent student elections and they truly want learn more about it.